Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Day 3. "give it to me"

I decide today to go for an afternoon class. Jazz at 2o'clock my brochure says. I get there and its actually contemporary jazz…. super. I've done 2 contemporary classes in my life but I'm here so I guess I'll take the class.
We do a super long warm-up and then some cross floor. She sets out a cross floor exercise of turns. I think to myself "sweet, I'm good at turns" and this cross floor is insane. It's so fast and I'm spinning out of control trying to change my spot, change directions, and still whip out the turns. I get through but I haven't felt like I've flailed that bad turning in some time.
We then do a combo that I do but I'm not exactly fired up about: plenty of reaching, breathing, and soft movement. This isn't a dance I would necessarily choreograph, but I do it. Class ends, I've got some time to kill before the evening grind of classes so I meet up with an old friend from camp and we catch up and reminisce about camp days and the wonderful impact camp has had on our lives. It was a great lunch where we pretty much just sat around and laughed. Plus, I tell my friend that with all the classes my energy is low so I get my calorie on by having a huge bacon burger with fries and a beer…. It was great. Conversation must end though and I have to go back to class.
First class of the night is "intro to break dance." Teacher goes over some basic moves and I learn a few variables of warm-up exercises we do back at KDA. Pretty fun top rock part of class but then we get into the floor work. I don't fare quite as well at that. "HIPS UP" I tell myself about 23 times because my ass looks like it weighs about 60 pounds. Teacher then tells us that a lot of breakers put different styles into their breaking like house. I think about throwing some tap in there. As I fart around with different ways to move (tap/break style) while yelling at myself to keep my hips up teacher tells me that what I was doing looks cool. Thanks teacher. I enjoy you being supportive.
Next up is hip/hop 2/3 with a teacher who looks like Taylor Swift…. but ghetto. The room is packed (we aren't in the glorious studio this time) and I am at the back. It's kind of hard to see what is going on. I can tell that my body is tired. Mentally, I'm slowing down and physically I find I'm marking more often and doing combos full out less often, and my feet hurt. I must continue. Like so many of the combos I have done already it is a bit weird at first but as I put it more into my body I get a better feel for it and get through it. This combo was fast an intricate.
After we all learn the combo and start doing it in groups G'd up Taylor swift tells us that we are to free style for 32 counts. "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" free styling already makes me nervous when I'm back at my "home studio" with people I know. Here I am with nobody I know in a room of pre-professionals! I manage to put some piece of garbage together for 32 counts and get off the dance floor ASAP. Of course, we do it again and I force myself to think to make the most out of it and do the best I can. So the next time up after the combo for the 32 counts I string something together that isn't garbage but it is certainly FAR from amazing. Class ends soon enough with and my tail is between my legs. I'm so tired at this point that I'm contemplating calling it a day. I tell myself to do one more class at least.
LOCKING. It's an open level class so there are an interesting mix of people ranging from very experienced to very beginners. This class was hella fun. A lot of time is just spent grooving and walking around to music. We do a combo that is pretty straight forward as far as the steps go but somehow it is amazingly fun. At one point the teacher came over to correct my arm placement on a move. I didn't understand what she was looking for at first and while she was saying "give it to me" I thought she wanted me to move my body forward more and not my hands. So there I was thrusting my body forward for a few counts before she corrected me and told me to use my hands. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. When all else fails just groove it out. As much fun as I'm having my feet are killing me and I'm exhausted but I'm signed up for one more class. I throw in the towel. Another open level class of "popping and boogaloo" but I decide not to do it, mostly because of my fatigue but also because I want to have a huge day tomorrow so I will need to rest up.
I get back to Stace's and flop on the couch in a heap. Goodnight world.

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