Monday 16 May 2011

dance parents

the other day I sat in line for 5 hours to get tickets to a show that I am in and even helped create. I really enjoyed it because I got to hang out with a whole bunch of dance parents from around the studio. I had the epiphany of how crucial dance parents are only after I quit dancing in my early teen years, which was re-inforced 10 fold waiting in this line. These are the people who pay, who bring kids to every practice on time, who wait patiently while their kids talk to be picked up, who hunt around for costumes (and sometimes even sew them), who raise amazing kids with amazing talents and even more amazing personalities, and despite all of this that I already know I continue to be amazed by them.

This weekend I was siting with parents who were enduring the cold and getting up early so that they can buy tickets for their kids dance shows, to support them, and show their love. the most amazing part of it is the fact that not only were they doing it but they were happy to do it. as if..... of course we wait, why wouldn't we wait in line?

this inevitably makes me think back to my own childhood and all the work my parents, especially my mom, put in to not only do the day to day running around by also the financial sacrifices they endured (the reason I try so hard to keep my costume costs down now). I remember my mom driving me for hours to an out of town festival and waiting in the auditorium for hours more, and making sure I had everything packed and was organized.... all for 3 minutes on stage. I also remember my mom doing secretarial work and cleaning the studio when I was little to help supplement the cost of classes/competition/costumes because I was so involved. I hardly ever heard a complaint but the work that went in to it is amazing.... I'm amazed at the work and love that goes into these parents children and their extra-curricular activities.

If you are a dance parent and reading this; know that all that you pour into your kids is realized and appreciated, even if you aren't told that it is. and if you are a dancer, think about everything your parents do for you and I'm sure you will be compelled to thank them and show your appreciation.

although I am not a dance parent or even a parent at all at this point in my life, getting a glimpse of what goes into it leaves me floored. you are unsung heroes.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

douche bags

normally I talk about weird or quirky things that I find interesting. today the topics is douchebags and how to identify them:

1) a douchebag is pretty much anyone drinking energy drinks earlier than 10pm. drinking a "monster" or a "rockstar" looks ridiculous and douchey. if you need to wake up in the morning drink a coffee like everyone else.

2) a douche bag is a guy who has a huge truck for no real reason and when sees someone on a scooter (such as myself) suddenly thinks they need to challenge me. I'm not challenging you........ I'm on a SCOOTER! these morons don't realize that they're morons because not only do they accelerate only to break right away but also make sure to give me this look through their sunglasses to make sure I notice. what exactly is trying to be proven is beyond me. luckily I have a way of combating this particular breed of douche and that is by zipping right by them when they stop at a light. they are waiting to turn right at a red and I just zip to the front of the line and I'm gone. sometimes when they catch up I give them a little look to see if they are still challenging me, the eyes are suddenly on the road again.

3) sweat/track pants plus designer shirts. 'nuff said.

4) pretty much anyone with a chin strap, barbed wire tattoo, or any sort of chinese text tattoo. If you can't see the tattoo its probably under a "tapout" shirt.

and that's how to identify a douche bag!