Monday 23 November 2015

The most emotiobal day of my life.

Yesterday was the most emotional day of my life. I've had plenty of days where I've felt emotion on a high level and it has taken over my day, but this was on a whole new level. I had several emotions all going at once and on a very high level, all day. Yesterday was the day I would leave Mexico and start the trip "for real" it was also the day I'd be saying good bye to Stacy and be on my own. The amount of emoyions swirling I just couldn't seem to settle down. In fact, I was in the line up checking into my flight to lima and I almost broke out into tears. Between the nerves, sadness, anticipation, and excitment I just needed some sort of release. I'm usually pretty good at keeping my emotions in check, but this was just too much. Getting onto the plane was tough and Stacy and I both cried for sadness. I cried again for happiness less than an hour later as I looked out the window of the plane and knew I was doing it. I was seeing this dream materialize.
It was the most emotional day of my life and I'm sure as the journey gets more intense the nerves and emotions that go with it will get more intense as well. Who knows, maybe I will become someone who cries more often.

Sunday 22 November 2015

1 week in

So, it's been one week since I started this mega trip and already it's been quite the experience. My first week was in Mexico with Stacy and her family. The funny thing about doing the trip with Stacy and her family and deciding to go to a resort is that it allowed to ease into the whole trip. I was able to meet my cousin Alex at one point and she had made the comment that booking a resort is like the Wal-Mart of travelling. You don't have to do much and everything is right there.
One element that struck me upon landing in Cancun is that I really didn't give Mexico the excitment it deserved. The Mexico portion had almost become an after thought. When the plane was descending and I was able to see the trees and the soil I found myself excited. I had forgot about how thrilling it can be to visit a new place . I was so wrapped up in the larger trip I didn't give mexico it's due.
As the only other time at a resort I quickly found myself bored. For the first few days there I was trucking along and chilling out but Stacy and I both agreed that the resort thing really isn't us. We are more explorer types. I felt like the Mexico portion of the trip really hit its stride about mid way through the week when we rented bikes and rode into Playa del Carmen. We got off the resort, saw some people who weren't tourists, and had fun doing it.
A few days later we did our one excursion which was a full day trip to chichen itza. The days started with almost 4 hours in busses and we hadn't done anything yet. When we finally got to Chichen it was pretty neat. A complete tourist trap, but the history of the place is undeniable. The element that struck me most about the actual Yucatan temple is what great condition it was in. Could have been built just 100 years ago and I'd believe it, it was that good.
From chichen we went swimming in a huge cenote. This was the highlight of my week. After the sweltering heat we went into a sink hole about 150 feet down swimming in cool water along side fish with the hole open so you could see all the vegitation above. It was awesome.
The rest of Mexico wrapped up pretty nicely spending time at the resort with Stacy and her family.
For what little consideration I gave Mexico it sure delivered the goods.

Thursday 5 November 2015

The Process

It isn't achieving the goal, but the process of working to a goal that will change you.

I've heard something to this affect a hundred times. I tend to listen to motivational speeches when I go to the gym. It's great for my mental and physical health but this particular shred of knowledge is a reoccurring theme.

Since making the decision to go on megatrip it's startling to reflect on how much I've changed. The most noticeable is in attitude of being able to achieve goals. As I mentioned in an earlier post, for years, I questioned whether or not I could make a trip like this happen. I realized that I could make it happen, and what's more is that it's pretty simple to do! I even find myself experiencing a pang of irritation when I talk to people about my trip and I hear "I wish I....." or "if only I could......" or "it's too late....." In keeping with having civil conversation I tell the person that they can achieve it, whatever 'it' is. I resist the desire to scream how it's possible and go into motivational speaker mode, but I have this forum. It's so possible, and very simple. It's not necessarily easy, but it's simple. You must be focussed on what you want and just make it a priority. For the last 2 years I've de-prioritized eating lunch out, buying clothing, buying toys, and making other purchases that I would normally otherwise make.

As a result of my prioritizing I am now 10 days away from making my biggest adventure and one of my life goals a reality. Hasn't always been easy, but it's been amazingly simple. Whatever the goal you work towards, it is the process not the goal itself that will transform you.