Wednesday, 27 April 2011

text tone

conversations are one of my favorite things. whether its debating ideas, teaching something new, bantering, or telling jokes conversations are generally a good time. Now, sometimes we still need to get a hold of people or talk to people but they aren't in front of us or perhaps they are too busy for a phone call. enter the text message and the e-mail. E-mail is great for long messages or formal things but texting is something you do with friends so for the purpose of this blog I'm talking about texting.

as convenient as texting is, it has one major flaw: you do not know the tone of and intent of someone's words. many phrases can be interpreted many different ways take "I have something for you" as an example. I bet you can interpret that particular phrase at least 4 different ways. Sometimes its tricky to know a persons intent. Without knowing the tone the person is saying (or typing) a phrase is difficult.

Because tone text can be such a tricky thing to pin down the few times you get it exactly right is so satisfying. I have a dance student, N, and sometimes we text and joke around n text. recently we were texting and she had made a comment that I knew just the phrasing and the timing of it how she said it. so much so that I actually could picture the exact face she was making and how she laughed when she made the joke. So this blog is a light-hearted one. AS tough as nailing text tone is, it is so satisfying when you get it exactly right and you know what the person is saying and how they are saying it, its like they are right in front of you. One of life's very small but somehow satisfying victories.

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