Saturday, 10 October 2009

teen challenge

the other day I had a conversation with a teenage high school student. she was telling me that she wanted to try out for her school cheer leading team but was hesitant because was worried it would be full of nerds. long story short the conversation boiled down to me challenging her as to what exactly constitutes a nerd. I give her credit for being able to honestly answer me despite some hesitation. I love challenging people on their thoughts. Many times I challenge others on their beliefs they tend to tell me to shut up, or ask me why I'm asking, or tell me I'm being weird. When I hear these replies it typically translates to "your making me uncomfortable or I'm ashamed of my answer or I don't want to tell you" This particular young lady was able to verbalize what she thought even though she was not too pleased with her answer. So I thought to myself: if someone asked you a challenging question about your beliefs would you be able to answer it out loud? A question about our personnel prejudice would be a good example.
It's worth thinking about and I'm not sure many of us are able to answer the tough questions. could you?

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