Monday, 24 August 2015


What does the word 'Travel' mean to you? 6 little letters and it explodes with meanings, ideas, hopes, memories, excitement, anxiety, dreams, melancholy and plenty more.

When I think about travelling and how the definition of that word has evolved for me over the years its a pretty remarkable word. As a child it meant being on my bike and going somewhere. When I got a bit older it meant extended car rides to spend time with friends or family (many childhood road trips). Later, I felt the word became a tool that I was inspired by, hearing and seeing cousins and others going on long trips abroad and the impact these trips had on them. One of my great learnings came when I realized that travel can be whatever you choose it to be (a trip to Montreal was especially key for this). Eventually I realized that travel can be limitless. Seeing people spend months or even years at a time travelling was pretty amazing to learn about. One constant, regardless of the age or travelling experience is that there is/was always a feeling of freedom.

Freedom is what defines travel for me now.

There is something utterly intoxicating about the idea of travelling. Even if you don't go on a trip, just thinking about the possibilities about what a trip can be, as small as a weekend away, is exciting. The laughs to be shared, the treats to be tasted, the weather to soak up, the experiences to try, the memories to be made. Even that last sentence right there probably sparked something in your mind as you read it. Travel is that powerful.

About 7 years ago I had a boss at a practicum who told me about the time she and her partner took one year off from their regular lives and travelled the world. One of them quit their job the other took a leave, they packed up their belongings and poof! they travelled the world. When I think back to key moments that shaped my ideas of travel this one shifted something within me. I had been intrigued and inspired by many other people's travels but this one more so. I think what really changed me was not only the scope but the apparent ease it was done with. Just pack up and go? don't worry about work? leave it all behind? is it that easy?

For the following 5 years I had a debate in my mind about the idea of 'travelling the world'. On the one hand it seemed so easy. Simply decide to do it and then do it. No more to it than that. On the other hand you had the 'what abouts'. What about the money? What about the people in my life? What about taking that much time? what about the things I currently enjoy doing, am I willing to sacrifice them? This argument simmered in my mind for a long time but really ramped up when I got my current job and the option of taking a leave from work presented itself. I would be able to save money and have a job to come back to. That cancelled off a few of my biggest 'What Abouts' but the debate still lingered.

There was so much that appealed about travelling and yet I still had so much in my mind convincing me that I couldn't do it or wasn't ready to do it. At one point I actually printed out the application for taking a leave at work and it sat on my desk for over a year blankly staring at me. I would hear stories about travel, read quotes, see articles, all of which was slowly increasing my desire. Then, by exposing myself to all the media about the benefits of travel the scales started to tip. The first was seeing a picture my sister posted on facebook. It basically said that the only thing stopping you from reaching your goals is the bullshit excuse you tell yourself. Very direct, and so true. There really was nothing holding me back. The second real shift happened reading an article about travelling benefits and the point that hit home was about how when you're older you won't remember the new pair of shoes you bought, you'll remember the adventures you had. My 'What Abouts' were slowly fading but these 2 moments along with all the smaller ones weren't enough, the debate still went on.

One day, maybe a month after reading the article about what you will remember when you're old I was sitting on my couch and it hit me. I knew with the time I needed if I were to do a trip of that scale that I needed to act soon, because if I didn't do it soon, it wasn't going to happen. Right then and there I decided that I was going to do it. I was going to travel around the world. What surprised me is the conviction I had in the decision, there wasn't even a doubt in my mind. I couldn't even tell you what about that moment triggered such a decisive decision. Of course, the decision was ruminating in my mind for years, but in that moment the concept shifted from an idea into a goal. That happened about a year and a half ago. As I write this I am 83 days away from departing on a 6 continent trip around the world using a 9 month leave from work to do it.

As I've been planning, at time I've felt overwhelmed and anxious but I've also been completely thrilled at the idea. The fact that this is happening is so exciting and I've never felt this level of freedom. anything is possible, to go anywhere is possible, to do absolutely anything is possible. I just needed to stop with the excuses.