Friday, 18 December 2015

1 month in

So I started megatrip just over a month ago with my solo travelling beginning just under a month. Th first month has been a bit strange only in the sense that I wasn´t sure what to expect from my travelling. how would I feel about being on my own¿ about spending time with a tour group day in and day out? about potentially missing people? Mow, I´ve certainly missed people and elements bout being back home but travelling this far in and I feel pretty good. As with anything, there are some good days and some bad days but for th most part I´m really enjoying it. The biggest growth for me in this time is my (travelling) confidence. When I first started the trip I was sort of self concious about not knowing spanish and I held back in many spots. Now, I don´t profess that I have good or even competent spanish skills but I´ve now grasped enough that I can get by on my own. further, I´ve actually found that attempting to get by on my own and even small tasks like ordering food or asking directions when done successfully as big wins. My big moment of when I knew my travelling confidence had increased the other day in Sucre, Bolivia. I had decided to go to a hat factory by myself and in doing so I was totally solo. I was crossing a city that I was unfamiliar with in a country I´m unfamiliar with where I don´t speak the language to go shopping. Don´t get me wrong, I knew I could do it and that I would be successful, but the fact that I was doing it and doing it is what gave me the boost. I certainly wouldn´t have had the same gumption a month ago. This is all part of the process.

Separately, Bolivia has been pretty cool. tomorrow we set off to go to the Uyuni salf flats which is and was the big draw for me going to Bolivia in the first place. I´ve found that Bolivians have been fairly nice for the first part, excvept for when people are loud in public spaces, then they get really owly. Bolivia is inexpensive, relatively clean, culturally interesting, and all in all a realy cool place. I like it more than Peru.

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